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How to show wifi password even if it Encrypted!!?

How to show wifi password even if it Encrypted!!?

Today,I will learn you how to see connected WiFi password even if it Encrypted!!

Most of the new mobile phones decrypted data ,So you can show wifi password Easily if your phone Stock or Custom (Rooted) you can see the saved wifi passwords in the following path


the Passwords saved in this file


But the old phones are Encrypted especially g532f (Grand prime plus) you must Delete this folder".system.bin.wpa_supplicant"

you can find the folder ".system.bin.wpa_supplicant" in the following path


search for ".system.bin.wpa_supplicant" and Delete it then Reboot your phone!!

Note: if you can't find the ".system.bin.wpa_supplicant" file, you must activate show hidden files from your file manager options (Configuration)!

Now your phone decrypted,when you connect any wifi ,you will find passwords in the "wpa_supplicant.conf" file,in the following path


For Detailed info, watch the following YouTube video Tutorial

To Download the File manager that I used in The previous Tutorial, visit this Article

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